What's the Difference Between OAuth, OpenID Connect


In today’s interconnected world, secure authentication and authorization are crucial for protecting user data and enabling seamless access to various applications and services. OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect have emerged as widely adopted standards for achieving these goals. In this article, we’ll delve into the concepts of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, exploring their roles, benefits, and how they work together to enhance security in modern web applications.

OAuth 2.0: Enabling Secure Authorization

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that allows applications to grant limited access to protected resources on behalf of users. It enables users to delegate access to their resources to third-party applications without exposing their credentials.

Key Components of OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 involves several essential entities:

  1. Resource Owner (User): The user who owns the protected resources (e.g., social media account, email address).

  2. Client Application: The application requesting access to the protected resources on behalf of the user. This could be a mobile app, web application, or server-side application.

  3. Authorization Server: The server responsible for authenticating the user and obtaining their consent. It issues access tokens to the client applications after successful authorization.

  4. Resource Server: The server hosting the protected resources that the client application wants to access on behalf of the user.

  5. Access Token: A credential issued by the authorization server to the client application, representing the authorization granted by the user. The access token is presented to the resource server to gain access to protected resources.

How OAuth 2.0 Works

The following sequence diagram illustrates the flow of OAuth 2.0:

USERCLIENTAUTHORIZATION_SERVERRESOURCE_SERVERAuthorization RequestAuthorization RequestUser Authentication and ConsentAuthorization GrantAccess TokenAccess TokenAccess Token ValidationAccess Token ValidationUSERCLIENTAUTHORIZATION_SERVERRESOURCE_SERVER
  1. The user initiates the process by sending an authorization request to the client application.
  2. The client application forwards the authorization request to the authorization server.
  3. The authorization server authenticates the user and obtains their consent.
  4. The authorization server generates an access token and returns it to the client application.
  5. The client application uses the access token to request access to protected resources from the resource server.
  6. The resource server validates the access token by sending a request to the authorization server for validation.
  7. The authorization server verifies the access token and responds to the resource server, confirming its validity.

OpenID Connect: Enhancing Authentication with Identity Information

OpenID Connect builds on top of OAuth 2.0 and adds an authentication layer, allowing applications to obtain identity information about the user. It provides a standardized way for clients to authenticate users and receive user information in the form of an ID token.

Key Components of OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect introduces an additional entity:

  1. Identity Provider: The server responsible for authenticating the user and providing identity information to the client application.

How OpenID Connect Works

The following sequence diagram illustrates the flow of OpenID Connect:

USERCLIENTIDENTITY_PROVIDERRESOURCE_SERVERAuthentication RequestAuthentication RequestUser AuthenticationAuthentication ResponseID TokenID TokenID Token ValidationID Token ValidationUSERCLIENTIDENTITY_PROVIDERRESOURCE_SERVER
  1. The user initiates the authentication process by sending an authentication request to the client application.
  2. The client application forwards the authentication request to the identity provider.
  3. The identity provider authenticates the user.
  4. Upon successful authentication, the identity provider generates an ID token containing user information and sends it to the client application.
  5. The client application uses the ID token to request access to protected resources from the resource server.
  6. The resource server validates the ID token by sending a request to the identity provider for validation.
  7. The identity provider verifies the ID token and responds to the resource server, confirming its validity.

The .well-known/openid-configuration Endpoint

OpenID Connect introduces a standard way for clients to discover the necessary endpoints and configuration details of the identity provider. The discovery process is facilitated through the .well-known endpoint. By accessing the .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint provided by the identity provider, clients can retrieve important information such as the authorization endpoint, token endpoint, public key information, supported scopes, and more. This endpoint provides a machine-readable JSON document that contains the configuration details required for OpenID Connect authentication and authorization.

The information typically found in the .well-known/openid-configuration document includes:

  • issuer: The URL of the identity provider.
  • authorization_endpoint: The URL for initiating the authorization request.
  • token_endpoint: The URL for token requests and responses.
  • jwks_uri: The URL for the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) endpoint containing the public keys used for signature verification.
  • userinfo_endpoint: The URL for retrieving additional user information.
  • scopes_supported: The list of supported scopes.
  • response_types_supported: The supported response types for authentication requests.

Clients can use this endpoint to dynamically discover the necessary information about the identity provider and configure their authentication and authorization workflows accordingly.


OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect are powerful standards that enable secure authorization and authentication in modern web applications. By understanding their concepts and how they work together, developers can build robust and secure systems that protect user data and provide seamless access to resources. Implementing these standards ensures a safer and more user-friendly experience for application users.

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