C# Encoding - encoding and decoding data in C#

Introduction to Encodings in C#

When working with text data in C#, an important aspect to consider is how characters are represented in binary form. This is where encodings come into play. An encoding is a set of rules that maps characters to their binary representations. In C#, the System.Text.Encoding namespace provides various encoding classes to handle character encoding and decoding.

Commonly Used Encodings

ASCII Encoding

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is one of the simplest and oldest character encoding schemes. It uses 7 bits to represent characters, providing a total of 128 possible characters, including standard English letters, digits, punctuation marks, and control characters.Here’s an example of how the string “Hello” is stored in ASCII:

Character Decimal Binary Hexadecimal
H 72 01001000 48
e 101 01100101 65
l 108 01101100 6C
l 108 01101100 6C
o 111 01101111 6F

UTF-8 Encoding

UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format - 8-bit) is a variable-width encoding scheme that can represent any character in the Unicode standard. It uses 8 bits for ASCII characters and expands up to 32 bits for non-ASCII characters. UTF-8 is backward compatible with ASCII and has become the de facto standard for encoding text data on the internet. Here’s an example of how the string “Привет” (which means “Hello” in Russian) is stored in UTF-8:

Character Decimal Binary Hexadecimal
П 208 11010000 D0
р 191 10111111 BF
и 208 11010000 D0
в 178 10110010 B2
е 184 10111000 B8
т 185 10111001 B9

UTF-16 Encoding

UTF-16 (Unicode Transformation Format - 16-bit) is another variable-width encoding scheme that can represent characters from the Unicode standard. It uses either 2 or 4 bytes per character, making it capable of representing a broader range of characters compared to UTF-8. In C#, strings are internally stored as UTF-16 encoded sequences.

Working with Encodings in C#

C# provides the Encoding class and its derived classes to handle encoding and decoding operations. Let’s look at some examples:

Encoding Text to Bytes

To encode a string into a byte array using a specific encoding, you can use the GetBytes method of the Encoding class. Here’s an example using UTF-8 encoding:

string text = "Hello, world!";
byte[] utf8Bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);

Decoding Bytes to Text

To decode a byte array into a string using a specific encoding, you can use the GetString method of the Encoding class. Here’s an example decoding UTF-8 bytes:

byte[] utf8Bytes = ... // Obtained from a source
string decodedText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8Bytes);

Detecting UTF-8 or ASCII Encoding

To determine if a string is UTF-8 or ASCII encoded, we can utilize the encoding’s characteristics. ASCII encoding only uses 7 bits, so all characters will have their eighth bit set to 0. On the other hand, UTF-8 encoding uses the eighth bit for non-ASCII characters. We can check if a string is UTF-8 or ASCII encoded by examining the eighth bit of each character. Here’s an example method to perform this check:

public static bool IsUtf8(string text)
    foreach (char c in text)
        if (c > 127)
            return true;
    return false;


string text1 = "Hello";
bool isText1Utf8 = IsUtf8(text1);
// Output: false

string text2 = "Привет";
bool isText2Utf8 = IsUtf8(text2);
// Output: true` 

Default Encoding in C#

In C#, the default encoding for strings is UTF-16 (Unicode Transformation Format-16). UTF-16 uses 16 bits (or 2 bytes) to represent each character. This encoding allows for the representation of a wide range of characters from different languages and scripts.

When you create a string literal in C#, it is encoded using UTF-16 by default. The .NET Framework and most C# APIs assume UTF-16 encoding for string operations unless specified otherwise.

You can also explicitly specify the encoding when working with strings in C#. The Encoding class in the System.Text namespace provides various encoding options, including UTF-8, ASCII, and more.

Check Encoding type by reading header value

You can check the byte order mark (BOM) at the beginning of a text file to detect the encoding. The BOM is a special marker that indicates the encoding of the text.

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to detect the encoding of a text file by examining its byte order mark:

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        string filePath = @"c:\temp\encoding.txt";

        // Read the file bytes
        byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);

		// Detect the encoding based on the byte order mark (BOM)
		Encoding detectedEncoding = DetectEncoding(fileBytes);

		// Display the detected encoding
		Console.WriteLine("Detected Encoding: " + detectedEncoding.EncodingName);

		// Read and decode the file content using the detected encoding
		string fileContent = detectedEncoding.GetString(fileBytes);
		Console.WriteLine("File Content:");

	private static Encoding DetectEncoding(byte[] bytes)
		if (bytes.Length >= 3 && bytes[0] == 0xEF && bytes[1] == 0xBB && bytes[2] == 0xBF)
			return Encoding.UTF8;
		else if (bytes.Length >= 2 && bytes[0] == 0xFE && bytes[1] == 0xFF)
			return Encoding.BigEndianUnicode;
		else if (bytes.Length >= 2 && bytes[0] == 0xFF && bytes[1] == 0xFE)
			return Encoding.Unicode;
			return Encoding.Default;

In this example, we read the content of a text file into a byte array using File.ReadAllBytes. Then, we pass the byte array to the DetectEncoding method, which examines the byte order mark at the beginning of the file and returns the corresponding Encoding object.

The DetectEncoding method checks for common byte order marks, such as the UTF-8 BOM (0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF), UTF-16 big-endian BOM (0xFE, 0xFF), and UTF-16 little-endian BOM (0xFF, 0xFE). If a BOM is found, the corresponding encoding is returned. If no BOM is found, the method returns the default encoding of the system.

Finally, we use the detected encoding to decode the byte array and convert it to a string using encoding.GetString. The decoded content is then displayed on the console.

By examining the byte order mark, you can determine the encoding of a text file and ensure that it is correctly processed and displayed in your application.

The content of the file is a Russian word and I have saved this file as UTF-16 BOM using notepad++



If you run the application you will see folllowing output

Detected Encoding: Unicode (Big-Endian)  
File Content:  


Understanding encoding in C# is essential for proper handling of text data. In this blog post, we explored ASCII and UTF-8 encoding schemes, their differences, and how to detect if a string is UTF-8 or ASCII encoded. By recognizing the characteristics of each encoding and utilizing simple checks, we can ensure accurate handling and interoperability when working with text data in our applications.

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