How to Configure .NET Core Environments with Practical Examples

Exploring .NET Core Configuration with Real-World Examples

Configuration management is a crucial aspect of software development, enabling applications to adapt to different environments and user preferences without requiring code changes. .NET Core provides a powerful Configuration system that simplifies the process of managing settings, connection strings, and other application parameters. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key concepts of .NET Core Configuration, explore the Options and OptionsMonitor patterns, illustrate them with a real-world example, and discuss the OnChange event for dynamic configuration updates.

Understanding .NET Core Configuration

What is Configuration?

Configuration in software development refers to the settings, properties, and parameters that define the behavior and characteristics of an application. This includes things like database connection strings, API keys, feature toggles, and more. In modern applications, it’s essential to separate configuration from code to make the application flexible, maintainable, and secure.

Benefits of Using Configuration

  • Flexibility: Configuration allows you to change application behavior without modifying the code. This is particularly useful when deploying an application to different environments like development, testing, and production.

  • Security: Sensitive information like passwords and API keys can be stored securely in configuration files, separate from the application code.

  • Maintenance: When configuration is stored externally, updating settings becomes easier, and you can manage configurations for multiple environments more efficiently.

.NET Core Configuration System

.NET Core provides a robust and flexible Configuration system that allows you to read configuration data from various sources, such as JSON files, environment variables, command-line arguments, and more. The Configuration system builds on the Options pattern and provides a consistent way to access configuration settings throughout your application.

Configuration Providers

Configuration providers are components responsible for retrieving configuration data from various sources. Some common built-in configuration providers include:

  • JsonConfigurationProvider: Reads configuration data from JSON files.

  • EnvironmentVariablesConfigurationProvider: Reads configuration data from environment variables.

  • CommandLineConfigurationProvider: Reads configuration data from command-line arguments.

IConfiguration Interface

The IConfiguration interface is at the heart of the .NET Core Configuration system. It provides methods for accessing configuration values using keys. The configuration keys are structured using a hierarchical dot-separated format, which allows you to organize settings in a logical manner.

Traditional Configuration

Before diving into the Options pattern, let’s explore how configuration was traditionally managed in .NET Core.

Accessing Configuration in a Traditional Way

In a traditional approach, you might directly access configuration settings using the IConfiguration interface. Here’s an example:

public class MyService
    private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;

    public MyService(IConfiguration configuration)
        _configuration = configuration;

    public void DoSomething()
        string connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
        // Use the connection string...

Using the Options Pattern

The Options pattern is a design pattern that allows you to bind configuration data to strongly-typed classes. This pattern is particularly useful for managing settings related to a specific feature or module of your application.

Creating Configuration Classes

To use the Options pattern, start by creating a configuration class that represents the settings you want to read:

public class ConnectionStrings
    public string DefaultConnection { get; set; }

Configuring Options

In your application’s startup code (e.g., Startup.cs), configure the Options system:

public class Startup
    public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

    public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
        Configuration = configuration;

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // ...

Accessing Options

In your application code, you can now inject and use the strongly-typed configuration settings:

public class MyService
    private readonly ConnectionStrings _connectionStrings;

    public MyService(IOptions<ConnectionStrings> options)
        _connectionStrings = options.Value;

    public void DoSomething()
        string connectionString = _connectionStrings.DefaultConnection;
        // Use the connection string...

Dynamic Configuration Updates with OnChange Event

In addition to accessing configuration settings, .NET Core Configuration also provides an OnChange event that you can use to respond to configuration changes at runtime. This is especially useful for scenarios where you want to apply changes without restarting the application.

Subscribing to Configuration Changes

To subscribe to configuration changes, you can use the IOptionsMonitor interface. This interface provides the OnChange method, which allows you to register a callback to be invoked when the configuration changes.

Here’s an example of how to use the OnChange event to respond to changes in the connection string:

public class MyService
    private readonly IOptionsMonitor<ConnectionStrings> _connectionStringsMonitor;

    public MyService(IOptionsMonitor<ConnectionStrings> connectionStringsMonitor)
        _connectionStringsMonitor = connectionStringsMonitor;

    private void UpdateConnectionString(ConnectionStrings connectionStrings, string name)
        // Handle the updated connection string

Overriding Configuration in Different Environments

.NET Core Configuration system supports environment-specific configuration. This allows you to define different configuration values for various environments like development, staging, and production.

Environment-specific Configuration Files

By default, .NET Core Configuration looks for configuration files with environment-specific names (e.g., appsettings.Development.json, appsettings.Production.json). You can create separate JSON files for each environment and specify configuration values accordingly.

Environment Variables

You can also use environment variables to override configuration settings. When an environment variable matches a configuration key, it takes precedence over the value defined in configuration files.

Command Line Arguments

Command line arguments can also be used to override configuration settings. For example, you can pass configuration values when launching your application:

shellCopy code

dotnet run --SomeSetting:Value=NewValue


The .NET Core Configuration system, coupled with the Options and OptionsMonitor patterns, provides a flexible and efficient way to manage application settings and parameters. By externalizing configuration data from your code, you can easily adapt your application to different environments and make updates without modifying the codebase. Utilizing strongly-typed configuration classes, the OptionsMonitor pattern, and the OnChange event allows for more structured, maintainable, and dynamic configuration management.

In this blog post, we explored the essential concepts of .NET Core Configuration, discussed the Options and OptionsMonitor patterns, and demonstrated their usage with real-world examples. Additionally, we introduced the OnChange event to enable dynamic configuration updates, enhancing the flexibility of your .NET Core applications.

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