Different Approaches to Declare Dictionaries in TypeScript

Different Approaches to Declare Dictionaries in TypeScript

Dictionaries, also known as key-value pairs, are commonly used data structures in programming. In TypeScript, there are multiple approaches to declare dictionaries with specific key-value types. In this blog post, we will explore three different approaches and discuss when to use each one.

Approach 1: Using an Interface with Index Signature

One approach to declare a dictionary in TypeScript is by using an interface with an index signature. Here’s an example:

interface Dictionary {
  [key: string]: number;

const myDictionary: Dictionary = {
  'key1': 1,
  'key2': 2,
  'key3': 3,

In this approach, we define an interface called Dictionary with an index signature [key: string]: number. This allows us to create an object with any string key and a corresponding value of type number.

Approach 2: Using the Record Type

The Record type is a built-in utility type in TypeScript that allows you to declare a dictionary by specifying the key and value types. Here’s an example:

const dictionary: Record<string, number> = {
  'key1': 1,
  'key2': 2,
  'key3': 3,

In this approach, the Record type is used to define the dictionary type. The first type parameter (string) represents the key type, and the second type parameter (number) represents the value type. You can replace these types with any other valid TypeScript types based on your requirements.

Approach 3: Using the Map Object

The Map object is a built-in data structure in JavaScript that can be used as a dictionary in TypeScript. Here’s an example:

const dictionary = new Map<string, number>();
dictionary.set('key1', 1);
dictionary.set('key2', 2);
dictionary.set('key3', 3);

In this approach, we create a new Map object and use the set() method to add key-value pairs to the dictionary. The first type parameter (string) represents the key type, and the second type parameter (number) represents the value type.


In this blog post, we explored three different approaches to declare dictionaries in TypeScript. We learned about using an interface with an index signature, the Record type, and the Map object. Each approach has its own advantages and is suitable for different scenarios.

  • Use an interface with an index signature when you want to define a custom dictionary type with specific key and value types.
  • Use the Record type when you want a concise declaration and type checking.
  • Use the Map object when you need built-in methods for dictionary operations.

Understanding these different approaches will help you choose the most appropriate method for declaring dictionaries based on your specific requirements.

I hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights into declaring dictionaries in TypeScript. Experiment with these approaches and leverage the power of dictionaries in your TypeScript projects.

Happy coding!

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