Difference Between dispose( ) and finalize( ) in c#

In C#, the IDisposable interface plays a crucial role in managing resources and ensuring their timely cleanup. This blog post explores the proper use of the IDisposable interface, focusing on the disposable pattern, finalizers, memory leaks, and best practices for resource cleanup. We’ll examine code examples that demonstrate the usage of the IDisposable interface, including scenarios where disposal is explicitly called and when it’s omitted. Additionally, we’ll delve into the concept of finalizers, their implementation in C#, and how they relate to memory leaks. By understanding these concepts and following best practices, developers can effectively manage resource cleanup in their C# applications.

Understanding Finalizers

In C#, a finalizer is a special method defined in a class that is invoked by the garbage collector before an object is reclaimed. The finalizer is denoted by the ~ClassName() syntax and is responsible for releasing unmanaged resources or performing any necessary cleanup before the object is destroyed. Finalizers are written to ensure that resources are properly released, even if the object’s Dispose() method is not called explicitly.

Memory Leaks and the Finalization Queue

When an object implements a finalizer but its Dispose() method is not called explicitly, it can lead to memory leaks. This happens because the object is not immediately released and remains in memory until the garbage collector finalizes it. Objects that have finalizers are moved to a special queue called the finalization queue, where they await finalization by the garbage collector. Objects in this queue can cause memory leaks if the finalization process is delayed or if the finalizer fails to release resources properly.

ObjectGarbageCollectorFinalizationQueueObject is eligible for garbage collectionObject added to finalization queueInvoke finalizerObject remains in memoryloop[Finalization]Object is destroyedObjectGarbageCollectorFinalizationQueue

Let’s understand these two concepts with an example

class MyResource : IDisposable
    private bool disposed = false;

    public MyResource()
        Console.WriteLine($"Resource acquired. Generation: {GC.GetGeneration(this)}");

    public void DoSomething()
        if (disposed)
            throw new ObjectDisposedException("MyResource", "Resource has been disposed.");

        Console.WriteLine($"Doing something with the resource. Generation: {GC.GetGeneration(this)}");

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!disposed)
            if (disposing)
                // Cleanup managed resources
                Console.WriteLine($"Disposing managed resources. Generation: {GC.GetGeneration(this)}");

            // Cleanup unmanaged resources
            Console.WriteLine($"Disposing unmanaged resources. Generation: {GC.GetGeneration(this)}");

            disposed = true;

    public void Dispose()
        Console.WriteLine($"Disposed. Generation: {GC.GetGeneration(this)}");

        Console.WriteLine($"Finalizing the object. Generation: {GC.GetGeneration(this)}");

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Example without using Dispose

        MyResource resource = new MyResource();
        resource = null;

        // Force garbage collection to occur

        Console.WriteLine("Using Dispose");

        // Example using Dispose

        using (MyResource resource2 = new MyResource())

        // Force garbage collection to occur


The code defines a class MyResource that implements the IDisposable interface. It has a disposed field to keep track of whether the resource has been disposed or not. The class also includes a constructor, a DoSomething() method to perform some action with the resource, a Dispose(bool disposing) method for resource cleanup, and the Dispose() method that gets called by the user to dispose of the resource. The class also includes a finalizer (~MyResource()) to handle the case where the resource is not explicitly disposed.

In the Main() method, there are two examples demonstrated:

  1. Example without using Dispose:

    • An instance of MyResource is created, and the “Resource acquired” message is printed, indicating that the resource is acquired in Generation 0.
    • The DoSomething() method is called, and the “Doing something with the resource” message is printed.
    • The resource variable is set to null, indicating that it is no longer referenced.
    • The GC.Collect() and GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers() methods are called to force garbage collection and finalize objects.
    • The “Using Dispose” message is printed to separate the two examples.
  2. Example using Dispose:

    • Another instance of MyResource is created, and the “Resource acquired” message is printed, indicating that the resource is acquired in Generation 0.
    • The DoSomething() method is called, and the “Doing something with the resource” message is printed.
    • The resource2 variable is disposed of automatically at the end of the using block.
    • The GC.Collect() and GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers() methods are called again to force garbage collection and finalize objects.


Resource acquired. Generation: 0
Doing something with the resource. Generation: 0
Using Dispose
Resource acquired. Generation: 0
Doing something with the resource. Generation: 0
Disposing managed resources. Generation: 0
Disposing unmanaged resources. Generation: 0
Disposed. Generation: 0
Disposing unmanaged resources. Generation: 2
Finalizing the object. Generation: 2

Let’s see below diagram that how the finalizer  queue works

UserCodeMyResourceGCCreate objectResource acquiredDoSomething()Doing something with the resourceSet object to nullRequest garbage collectionFinalization queue\n(process finalizers)Call FinalizerFinalizing the objectUserCodeMyResourceGC

Below is the seequence diagram of the code when we used Dispose

UserCodeMyResourceGCCreate objectResource acquiredDoSomething()Doing something with the resourceCall Dispose()Disposing managed resourcesDisposing unmanaged resourcesDisposedRequest garbage collectionFinalization queue\n(process finalizers)Object already disposed,\nno finalization requiredUserCodeMyResourceGC

The output demonstrates the difference between explicitly calling Dispose() and relying on finalization. When Dispose() is called, the resource is properly disposed of, and the cleanup happens in a predictable manner. On the other hand, when the resource is not explicitly disposed, finalization is triggered, which introduces delays and potential memory leaks.

Best Practices for Resource Cleanup

To avoid memory leaks and ensure proper resource cleanup, it’s essential to follow these best practices:

  1. Implement the IDisposable interface to explicitly release resources.
  2. Use the using statement to ensure disposal of objects that implement IDisposable.
  3. Implement the disposable pattern by providing a Dispose() method to release managed resources and implementing a finalizer (~ClassName()) to release unmanaged resources.
  4. Call Dispose() explicitly when the object is no longer needed or use the using statement to automatically dispose of the object.
  5. Suppress the finalization of an object by calling GC.SuppressFinalize(this) after explicit disposal, as it indicates that the finalizer is unnecessary.


By understanding the proper use of the IDisposable interface, finalizers, memory leaks, and best practices for resource cleanup, developers can effectively manage resource disposal in their C# applications. The correct implementation of the disposable pattern, along with the awareness of the finalization process and memory leaks, ensures efficient resource cleanup, prevents memory leaks, and optimizes the performance of C# applications.

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