This code is about a fairly simple feature that I believe most software engineers encounter in their projects. I, too, have encountered similar situations on many occasions. Previously, I used Window Service to achieve the features, which worked flawlessly. However, in this article, I will use the same method to accomplish the same goal using Window Scheduler.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
namespace ScheduleDemo_CS
class Program
public static readonly string Constans = "SCHTASKS.exe";
static void Main(string[] args)
CreateScheduleTask("MINUTE", 1, "aspdotnetcodebook", @"C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe");
public static bool CreateProcess(string strProcessName, string strCommandLineParams)
// set process parameters and invoke the process
ProcessStartInfo processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
processInfo.WorkingDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
processInfo.Arguments = strCommandLineParams;
processInfo.FileName = strProcessName;
Process process = Process.Start(processInfo);
if (0 != process.ExitCode)
return false;
return true;
public static bool CreateScheduleTask(string strScheduleType, int intTimeInterval, string strTaskName, string strProgramPath)
StringBuilder commandLineParams = new StringBuilder();
commandLineParams.AppendFormat("/Create /RU SYSTEM /SC {0} /MO {1} /TN {2} /TR \"\\\"{3}\\\"", strScheduleType.ToUpper(), intTimeInterval, strTaskName, strProgramPath);
return CreateProcess(Constans, commandLineParams.ToString());